Welcome to Care4kids 

At Care4kids being kind, understanding and respectful are 3 of our main values. We believe that every child and every team member should be understood and respected in all situations. We give the children the opportunities to be heard and have their interests at the main focus point of their learning and development. 

We are mindful during caregiving times of the day and these are not rushed. We have rituals rather than routines and the staff and children get to learn these rituals to ease them through different times of the day. Singing washing hands song, signing and asking to go for a change rather than shouting it out or whisking the children away from play, talking through what is happening next "can I put some sun cream on you as its hot today?"

Our Nursery Values

  • Everyone has a voice that is heard and valued
  • Happy children, happy families, happy staff
  • Working in partnership/ making good local connections.
  • Showing kindness and respect for all
  • Equality and Inclusion for all


Caterpillars room

Butterflies room

Our Butterflies garden

Care4kids We're here for you:

Tel: Nursery

01233 712712


08.00- 17.30

(Other hours can be arranged)

Tel: Holiday club

01233 714231


Club Mobile :






Care4kids Nursery

The Arthur Baker Playing Fields

The Moat


TN27 0JJ


Care4kids Holiday Club

The Courtyard

Charing Hill, Charing Kent

TN27 0NL


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© care4kids