Our curriculum
· We have used the natural environment, loose parts and authentic resources to embed the 7 areas of learning and characteristics of effective learning throughout the setting.
· We have high quality staff recognising schemas and supporting each child's own way of learning and play. Providing plenty of resources to support schematic play.
· We have thoughtful adults in our team making sure the environment is prepared and considering how each child can access resources allows children to extend their play and learning and be present with them in the moment.
· Our knowledge of key children and the relationships we build with them is a fundamental part of their learning.
· Staff use every part of the day as opportunities for teachable moments, having high expectations, allowing moments for sustained shared thinking.
· Provocations and invitations to play are throughout the environment indoors and out, set out with the children's interests in mind.
· Having a team of practitioners ready in the moment, to support, engage or even take a step back and observe the child to make their own choices, provides experiences and opportunities of development which happens naturally and isn’t forced
· Our environment is our 3rd teacher. We make sure it is looked after, respected and prepared for the day
· We model, demonstrate and challenge children, knowing where they are developmentally to be able to challenge them in their play.
· Areas are not limited to specific experiences. Natural materials, loose parts and authentic resources are transportable. Allow children to direct their play in any way they wish.
· We encourage independence through our own rhythms of the day and rituals
· We use real life resources that teaches real life lessons.
Our approach to learning, development and assessment
Focus week – Once or twice a term (depending on the age of the child) Your child will become a focus child. This allows the child to become the focal point of observation. A focus week information form will be shared with the parents/carers to allow them to tell us about any significant things that are happening in their child’s life right now and share what they would like us to be focusing on in their child's development, alongside what your child’s key person will be focusing on. All children are different and learn in their own unique ways, practitioners are present with the child, joining their cues and sharing their play. This is later written up in observations and linked to the relevant areas of the EYFS. Once your child’s focus week is over you will receive a focus feedback form.
In the Moment Planning – This allows children to choose what they do, how they learn and most importantly play! We as adults, join the children in their play to support and extend when we see a teachable moment.
Children’s interests are at the heart of their learning and development. We recognise each child as an individual and celebrate the unique child.
Invitation to learning - is a carefully selected activity to draw the attention, wonder, discovery and engagement of the child. This will be an adult directed activity designed with the curriculum in mind. It is important to remember the I’s when setting up an invitation to learning…Intent, implementation and impact.
Provocations to learning - is an activity set up with the child’s interest in mind. The activity has no pre-determined outcome and is led by the children’s ideas, decisions and imagination.